“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”

- Thomas Merton


Since day one, I have always been thankful for all the Then I Met You art created beautifully by our community. Without being prompted, you chose to organically showcase our products in incredibly creative ways, and every day the team and I are amazed and deeply motivated by your interpretations of Then I Met You in your lives. We couldn’t be more inspired!


As a way to show our gratitude, we’re hosting the very first Then I Met You Art Show. Throughout the art show, we’ve showcased your artwork in our digital gallery, so that your work could be celebrated by our community.


And now, we’ve narrowed down the entries to 10 finalists and can’t wait for our community to vote on their favorite submissions. Creativity takes courage, and we hope that through the Then I Met You Art Show, you will use this moment to discover yourself or to find inspiration.


With jeong,

Charlotte Cho

Get Involved:

Submission: From May 19th until June 17th, we will have an open submission period for you to submit your artistic creations using the instructions below. While you must submit your entry within this time period, you will be able to submit a previously created photo or design (i.e. a regram of your own post from before 5/19).


Voting: After the Entry Period ends, we will post our top finalists and open up a community voting period. Qualifying participants will be able to recruit their audiences and followers to vote for them and increase their chances of winning the prize of a year’s supply of Then I Met You products (a value of $660)!


Art Qualifications

When submitting your Then I Met You artwork, your piece must meet the following criteria:


1) Be a unique representation of Then I Met You (the brand, products, and/or name)

2) Feature Then I Met You periwinkle blue or other elements of the brand (i.e. jeong in some physical interpretation)

3) Must solely feature Then I Met You. Images featuring other brands will not qualify.


Your artistic creations can be any medium: photography, graphic design, illustrations, watercolor or other art captured in a photo or video (like sculpture), etc.


We will have ONE prize winner.


You do not need to own the physical Then I Met You products to participate. Open to U.S. residents 18 years or older. Please click here for the Official Rules of the Then I Met You Art Show.



1. Through June 17th, post your photo on Instagram using #ThenIMetYouArtShow, #thenimetyou and tag @thenimetyou in the caption. Your account must be public. The photo must be posted on or after May 19th. You can, however, repost a previously created photo.


2. Fill out the form below entirely so we can get in touch regarding your submission or nomination.


3. Email us a digital version of the art work you posted on Instagram for consideration to events@thenimetyou.com. By emailing us your artwork, you allow Then I Met You to use the image in various materials with credit to your name as the artist.


4. When the voting period begins, if selected as a finalist, you may share your work online, along with the website, to encourage your audience to vote for you.


We will be publishing the top finalists here and on Instagram the first week of June, so keep an eye out for communication with those updates. Good luck!

Vote Below:

Value is required
Value is required
Value is required
Value is required
Value is required
Value is required

Please click here for the Official Rules.

Value is required
Thank you for your submission. Don’t forget to email your original file to events@thenimetyou.com. We’ll notify you if you are selected as a finalist.

We thank all of our participants for entering
the first Then I Met You Art Show,
check out their entries below: